Thursday, 1 November 2012

Nano - Pit Detail

This section of the nano - pit shows the details of the inner workings. There are two 'arteries' one inlet for the broken down waste materials and one out let for reclaimed constituent materials of the original waste. In addition within these 'arteries' are a organic teeth like protrusions which act as the organic (natural) equivalent of the crushing component of the closed loop system. 

In the nano - pit there are three chambers which the materials pass through, the one on the left is the first chamber that the waste enters (occurring through the contraction motion, opening and closing the valves of the inlet 'artery'). In the first chamber further breaking down of the material occurs at a cellular level through the use of microbes. Once sufficiently broken down, through the contraction motion, the material moves into second and largest chamber where the nano bots reside, this is the final chamber where disassembly occurs. The nano bots rip every bit of material into their constituent components (such a iron, copper gold ect.) and once this occurs the chamber contracts and moves the raw materials into the third and final chamber. In this chamber the materials are sorted and discharged through the outlet 'artery' to be collected by the robots and distributed to either storage or the the 3D printers for retail use. 

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