Friday, 2 November 2012

First person experience

When addressing the criteria for scenes (presence & identity and the first person experience) i approached this the the notion of cradle to cradle in mind. The people who use the space will be directly interacting with the design. The nano pits hang in the voids of the exiting building, capturing and processing waste, this allows for a vivid association between the consumer nature of the society and the processes their waste undergoes to complete the cradle to cradle life cycle. 

This relates to the future scenario directly in that people live more locally, are more conscious of product life-cycles and where their waste ends up. The advancement of technologies, nano technologies and bio mimicry technologies, has allowed for the shift from open systems (cradle to grave) to closed loop systems (cradle to cradle). People want to know how there products are made, where, when, with what and, in the new Myer centre, the future people will get to answer all these questions with a glance at the nano pits. Voyeristically people get to experience this system and be reassured that they are no longer leading a destructive lifestyle.

Additional the spaces have been reconfigured to allow for this shift in societal norms. As a response to not needing space for the storage and display of products, shop spaces have been reduced, floor space has been opened up to become circulation and storage space. 
The new shop arrangement is more market style with shop owners (industrial design professionals) being commissioned to design customised products on the spot to be 3D printed. 
The materials for these products come from the nano pit and collected by the robots and taken to either storage or shops to be utilised for 3D printing. The robots run on designated tracks which shares circulation space with users, again building the connection between purchase and disposal of products. 

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