Thursday 13 September 2012

3D printing and manufacturing

So what does 3D printing mean for manufacturing in the future? Well 3D printers can build almost any 3D structure from supplied material, they will have the ability to build more complicated structures year by year and all you will need is a material and a digital 3D model to manufacture something from a 3D printer.

In our future scenario we considered a number of factors and as a result it was concluded that the resource crisis and societal attitude changes left people more inclined to 'live locally'. On-line shopping left retail spaces void in the future but as the city is the hub for the society, manufacturing moved in and replaced the void, bringing new life to the city centre. 

Our proposed scenario is one were manufacturing of products is driven by intelligent design. Some one who manufactures products would be approached by a member of the public, commissioned to create a customised product which meets every requirement of the client. This ties in with the notion of extended product life cycle and peoples new found notion of waste management and conservation of resources.  


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