Tuesday 18 September 2012

Building technology

Investigation of nano technology and discussions in tutorials led to the idea of a 'nano-pit'. This would be an integrated component of the design for the building. The residential component of the design feeds the waste processing system. So the idea of the 'nano-pit' is that is will be the 'soul' of the building, it will sort the waste produced by residents and disassemble this waste into its base constituents so as to feed the manufacturing processes of the commercial side of the design. 

This system ties in with what Yasu spoke about in the lecture of what sustainability is... it is not mass greening of the city it is the in depth consideration of the design of a product or building in how it will be used, reused or have its life prolonged. The aim to create a permanent, spontaneous design is enabled through the use of nanites. My building has the possibility of being 'alive', being both permanent and spontaneous in the response to its surrounds. The building grows organically in a parasitic manner on the Myer centre. 

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