Friday 24 August 2012

W5 Architectural Outcomes

Using the analogy of evolution helped to categorise the range of different changes we had been imaging when we discussed our future scenarios. We began to recognise that its quite difficult to septate the categories of ‘people and lifestyles’, ‘future scenarios’, ‘architectural opportunities’ and ‘sustainable futures’ because these all have a flow on effect to each other. If we imagined future changes in policies for example, this would affect all four categories, and those affects would have a reciprocal flow on affect and so on.
Despite this, when we analysed the various input factors we considered for this project some possible architectural outcomes were parasitical architecture. This may be informed by the lack of road use (due to no cars in the city policy) hence why as visualised this parasitical architecture spans between the buildings encroaching on the road space creating new sorts of connections throughout the city.


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