Saturday 18 August 2012

W4 Tutorial

Asked to consider what sort of 'character' might live in our future scenario we came up with this lovely lady, a shop keeper who is an industrial designer running a manufacturing 'shop' in our future Queen street. Along her life timeline we considered what 'things' might impact her personal life choices, what events or policies and procedures might come into play along her life span leading her to what she will be in the future.

The key policies we discussed were:
          - No cars in CBD (in response to climate change, carbon tax, increased population)
          - Sustainable business rebates (climate change, resource crisis, shift in retail norms)
          - No new buildings in CBD  (resource shortage, economy, social agenda for sustainable practice)
          - Global agreement on immigration (compassion, acceptant of global responsibility, population balance 
            with local carrying capacities)

These policies were all informed by the consideration of possible future crisis informed by the scientific facts of today.

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