Tuesday 31 July 2012

Week 1 Readings

After the first weeks readings, a few segments stood out to me and brought to light some of the issues and concerns that must be addressed by designers.
One excerpt I found particularly profound was:

'At the moment one made a commitment to an architectural program, everything was frozen - the architectural solution (the building) and the social desire that had brought it into being, which might be nothing more than a passing fad'
~ Archigram

This highlights Archigram's idea of the need for open ends. Designs some how have to fluidly respond to needs as 'life is negotiated not pre-programmed'.
So how do we over come this? Archigram suggests we consider how communities might function, rather than how they should function. This requires a deeper level of thought and an ability to take standard contextual information and some how predict the future with it.

More to ponder on it seems...

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