Saturday 28 July 2012

In the Beginning...

This post marks the first of many and the start of DAB810 for Semester 2, 2012. Architectural fiction is the proposition we have been presented with to mark the journey we are to embark on this semester. 
The first lecture left my mind buzzing with ideas, introducing the concept of designing for the future and not for now. Although the prospect is seemingly quite obvious I had never considered approaching design in this way. It was implied, I mean obviously we are designing for the needs of tomorrow but up until now the 'input' feed of information has been from the here and now as well as even further back in contextual relevance. 
Considering this where do we go from here? How is it that we conceive what hasn't come into fruition as of yet? And better yet how do we incorporate this into a successful architectural proposition?
Hopefully all these questions and more will be clarified by the coming readings, lectures and tutorials.

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